can you talk about the family economic and seasonstial suckess. -- success. tell me what you guys are thinking in that area? >> yeah, this is something that metta proposed as like the net new. so the first three set of outcomes and indicators are actually the ones that are required. and so when we send do you the proposals, these are the dish nal strategys that are in line, one being the family economic success and two being the technology immigration. which metta does. and so we wanted to build that in as a way to yyeeve these outcomes. several partners provide a lot of financial education, access to business loans. so we really want to build off those existing services as well as the metta mark point model which is very simple. we want to make sure the students get 40 and 50 all these things that we consider, once met a unanimously's on the way to workshops, through and building off of a whole bunch of syses services. does that answer your question all day? >> it does. i deaf -- the next item we have is one suggest obviously here in san francisco we have so