former ceo had an article that mentioned it in the american way manage that's put in all the seats, seatbacks, touting the success of the program. there have been times when under certain security situations, it's been murmured, and i'm sure other folks from other airlines could probably repeat this, some management said, i wish we had enough fdo on that flight. the view of it has really changed for the positive. one of the greatest compliments to this is, to the program is, when we go out and talk about it, i hear people say i didn't know pilots were armed. they are quiet professionals. they are doing their job, performing their duties. they are there as that last line of defense if need to be activated. if not, they are vigilante. again, thank you to the senator. >> give me a brief history lesson what you call the experiment of '83 to o'03 and wy the guns were removed. i want to understand it better from your perspective. >> several things. airline pilots were dawned from the dawn of aviation through '87. they were required to carry firearms whenever there was u.s. mail onboard, which is a