people are uncomfortable, their lives need to be made easier, this is the logic in the seattle education committeed the deep state, they decided that they did not need it, what people with... are promoting throughout the country, assures one of the primary school teachers. there is pressure from the authorities on all states to equalize schoolchildren. we will probably see further development of this initiative. the fact that this initiative was launched in exactly that place demonstrates that such initiatives also aim, as if in the future, perhaps to become the basis for some more large-scale initiatives that will go far beyond education as such. it's hard to find a case like this at the moment. with george floyd will create certain problems for conservative forces within the united states, but perhaps through such initiatives seem to be trying to find the basis for the initiative of the american authorities to annoy conservatives to make society controlled, people understand non-binary beings with multiple pronouns, it’s scary, but true, how these children will grow up and how people will treat