sebastian haustus been taking on apprentices for 20 years he's seen both the good and less gifted come and go. come flocking in our company there isn't much of a hierarchy but the apprentice is at the lowest level of what little are there is. for the 1st lesson is to learn to listen. to stand by. not to think i can do it all already. they don't get bullied or harassed but i definitely think that it's important for them to approach things with a certain amount of humility and. training is an opportunity to learn and that takes modesty including when it comes to the paycheck the average monthly pay for an apprentice amounts to less than $800.00 euros and that's before taxes. because it's apprentices just like all the others have to learn how to get by on very little. you 160 or again says what vocational education is in germany every friday. that's when the apprentice who is no longer so young climbs into his someone to craft a car and drives across her land. he's heading for a vocational school it's the other part of the dual training system when you sit in a classroom and learn theory.