>> Özi's real name is sebastian jenal. he cartoonist is visiting a public school in bonn. >> i thought you'd have short black hair. >> black? what gave you that idea? >> jenal wants to talk to the children about protecting the environment. he hopes to show them that change begins at home with simple things like saving electricity and water and using recycled paper. that's why jenal has created a climate license -- a workbook illustrated with comics. in it, polar bear bo tells bonni the lion how he can save the planet. >> what did you learn? >> at home, gemma checked if electrical devices were switched on when they weren't needed. after completing all the tasks in her workbook, she'll be able to call herself a climate ambassador. >> because they work on it at home, they ask themselves how their family could help the environment. it's important that they get their families on board. >> jenal came up with all the exercises himself. he purposely chose to use a polar bear, because it's a symbol for climate change that children a