>> sebastian junger says there are risks if we stay too long or leave too soon. and mercenaries in the middle east. e.d. hill reports in a new private army of americans. do they pledge allegiance to the flag or the highest bidder? then, who's minding the store? another key member of obama's economic council is leaving, with the recovery going backwards, who should the president turn to for answers? now more on our top story, there has been talk about the fact that anthony weiner doesn't have a lot of friends backing him up on capitol hill, especially now. he's an abrasive sort. anthony weiner in recent months found a friend in of all people republican congressman jason chaffetz. jason, thank you for being here. congressman, you know, anthony weiner has become a friend and political odd couple. as a friend, what would your advice to him be? >> i don't see any option but to step down. i like the guy. i've gotten along with him. i've sponsored bills with him, i've done fun things on television and what not with him. but there comes a point where you just have to say