i read a lot of what comes out, so i think sebastian junger is a phenomenal writer. and he's hard core. that guy will go to afghanistan and embed himself. while i'm embedded in vegas, he's embedded in afghanistan. good for him. [laughter] who else am i reading? i read it all that comes out pretty much, i loved the hunger games trilogy which is odd that i would like it, but the really good. >> right, right. and do you see yourself, are you more comfortable now with screen writers as opposed to other authors? >> my friends? my friend aren't, i mean, i have a lot of writing friends, but overall, you know, i don't know that many screen writers because i don't live in l.a., and they're all there. but, yeah, you know, i don't have a lot of close friends who are writers. i have a couple. a guy named matthew pearl is a good friend of mine, and a guy named joe fippedder who has a book out -- fender who has a book out. we don't sit around in turtle necks and drink coffee. >> right, right. [laughter] >> yeah. but, yeah. >> we're starting to come up on the time, as we say ben is