soda from south korea soccer player sebastian olive fronts and german t.v. chef to melt.i first you need a release for bodily injury. they all have something special they'd like to try a new way to stew dishes to melt of stuart's prepare something edible and said it's just an experiment i had lots of suggestions and we've narrowed it down to a salad dressing i think i think we have a couple ideas but you will see three look we're working with you something i think seen a lot of. they head off the poor dear a three ten which is normally used by astronauts for weightlessness training these passengers will need a spacesuit just a healthy dose of hardiness. undergoing fifteen parabolic flights with twenty two seconds of weightlessness each. at an altitude of eight thousand five hundred meters the fun begins first the passengers are way down at twice the force of gravity and then suddenly they lift off the. vent and the whole procedure is repeated the plane flies of course much like a roller coaster. the organizers worked with experienced us troops for this project. the microp