sebastiao salgado has spent almost four decades documenting the amazon and its people. is an honor to welcome you to democracy now! thank you so much for joining us. in brazil l right nonow? >> well, as you know, this is a very difficult moment. we have a central power held by president bolsonaro. not acting in the normal way -- cororonavirus. the mayors of the big cities that are takaking care with peoe in quauarantine. mr. bolsonaro is working in the opposite way. amazingcreating destabilization of the country. with thery concerned indidigenous community, mostly e amazonian's. i just finished work where i spent seven years in n the amaz. the indigenous have no immunologicall protetection n at theiseaeases that come out of the forest. everyone knows this. are not taking care- we these take care to protect enengine -- inindigenous or it l be a real gegenocidede. one coat you have said i in the past that you believe e the virs is a a product of thehe destrucn of t the planets envirironment. cod you elaborate on thahat? >> what was the q question? juan: in the past you ha