eight year old joe, right here, from secaucus, said he's excited to get back to his friends and all of the activities he missed. last year the bow skits kicked him out a month after he joined because parents complains. >> we've heard of millionaire, billionaire, how about a trillion aire? aren't any of those yet, at least that we know of. >> could be one, so someone out there, and if they keep making money at the same rate they've been raking it all in, we could have a trip johnaire. take a guess, who do you think will be the first? we'll let you know. >> researchers say many of the wrappers we use and the boxes contain harmful chemicals that can leak into our food. the stuff they car at this in, food packaging treated when chemicals that make it grease resistant, researchers tested more than 400 samples and found nearly half of the wrappers and one out of five boxes, contain the detectable levels of harmful charm calls. >> oh, the grease is the best part. >> all right, on your money watch right now, he's already the world's river he is man. but, forbes is saying bill gates is worth $8