secret. others are people who have gotten caught up in this-- most notably a former u.b.s.private banker named bradlee berkenfeld who was indicted and has cooperated extensively with the government and its investigation. >> ifill: is there a distinction between the tax-shielded money that in these accounts which was earned legally, and just not paid taxes on, and tax-shielded money which was laundered or was drug money? is that being treated differently? >> you know, there's not, and really the conversations haven't really focused on that distinction had is interesting because previously when we thought of the goings on-- the negative going on at swiss banks we think of drug running, money launderer, gun running, et cetera. some of these accounts may, indeed, involve criminal matters but we don't know, and it certainly hasn't been a point of discussion at the justice department and the iious. >> ifill: are any of these account holders being investigated independent of this agreement for tax evasion or any other crimes? >> absolutely yes. the justice department is investigat