and it will also help staff focus on fewer sectionses at a time. we'll consolidate the definition into one location and reorganize article 2 into a format that is similar to articles 7 and 8. phase ii, we'll delete the use definitions in 7 and 8 and modify so they use the consolidated section in 102. this is the other work we've done in the department to present the concept to you and get your feedback on it. the next step is to host at least two outreach meeting to the public to just explain the proposal to them, get some feedback from them on that, get them family with the concept. then we're going to finalize the ordinance phase 1, transmit it to the city attorney's office for their review and hopefully we'll be able to bring the ordinance to the commission for introduction in september. phase ii will then start when phase 1 is complete, hopefully by the end of the year. so, that concludes my presentation. there's more in the executive summary about the peril of what we're doing, and i'm happy to answer any questions about my presentation. thank