the walk down a hospital hallway into the operating room because you are about to undergo a double sectmy, scarey, sad, but that was not the case at all. check this out. this is inspiring. >> yeah! she decided, you know what? i'm going to dance my way into the or. the people around her are the nurses and the doctors that are going to be in the or with her. they are dancing, and i love the nurse holing her bag, like, she was inspired by the video of deborah who was going in for a double vasectomy. the surgery happen in march, and the video was posted on youtube by the hospital, and it immediately went viral, but to tell us about this, we have doretta and her husband, mark, via skype. the search was back in march. how are you doing? cancer free? >> i am cancer free. >> that's wonderful. >> she said i had minuscule, and she said minuscule -- that's my new favorite word, saying no chemo, no radiation, and none of the terrible feeling and side effects. i'm blessed. >> who's idea was this? >> i saw -- i think deborah, she did a flash mob in the or, and i said, if i have to get this, that's the