has no responsibility to maintain the data over time, what do you want to pick - having it stored securitilya. with cleared people only to be used or sitting on a verizon server where lord nose what will happen. it's not at workable system to run down to the court, get an order, get back in time so maybe verizon or at&t may have stored the data, make and make it available. it's not a workable system. in that case, in a counter-terrorism investigation, timeliness is important. >> timeliness but transparency, is that not the case. there was a lot going on that we were told was not going on, it was only edward snowden revelations that let us know exactly what the government was collecting on us. >> well, you know, the intelligence business is one that in large part has to be shrouded in secrecy. if our advo siries did what we do and how we did it, we'd be out of business. the founding fathers put that in the constitution that the proceedings of the legislature has to be published except for where secrecy is involved. we maintained this for the last 100 years. you can't run the intelligence busi