police and in other bodies they aren't applying the law as they should what's wrong with a security job democratica is the rewards given to servicemen when they turn up with the positive. no rewards policy is necessary to fight crime. but we really should revise that policy. if we don't and it is either interpreted wrongly or filled in a criminal manner. the more people that are shot the more convenient it is for a military unit or individual soldier because it allows them to get home leave to go and see their mothers and girlfriends but it also allows them to advance in their careers to win the respect of other service men. it helps gain decorations and it often wins them rewards in cash which also end up in the hands of civilians . critters of these young men and of some service men were. in. in. one. that is it was i first took part because of a neighbor of mine. is name was fabulous son one son tiago. my job was to go around bars with him to help sell cocaine what you did on january third or fourth two thousand and seven he asked me for the first time to help him take a bunch of young guys some