-- sedar and i am? seeing none, is there a second? -- is there anyone who wants to sever an item? director heinicke: ms. boomer, as i understand it, we will be considering the last of the claims? secretary boomer: that will be an open session. chairman nolan: is that the case? director heinicke: we had some very intimate information -- anti-information rules. i am not complaining, i am just saying. chairman nolan: all in favor, say aye. a break, yes. we will be back here, let's see, how about five minutes until? director beach was very good about the brakes. director heinicke: i asked about it at the last meeting. >> director hynix the it is recusing himself. >> we have members of the public who wish to speak. >> we're asking for the most expedited award possible. this issue has been going on for two years. in our opinion, the garages are unstable as far as the operations are concerned. three of them, we don't even have bonafide collective bargaining agreements, but that is our problem. we want transparency and it is very important. i believe that some of the instability is rooted