human trafficking is a significant problem in sedgwick county, across the country, but here in sedgwick particular. it has devastating impact on the victims and on our community. in this case, we had a victim that was a minor, 17 years old, a child. you know, we all make mistakes. that's what you're here admitting. none of us are perfect. the fact that somebody makes a mistake doesn't mean you just throw them away, that well, they prostituted one time so a little more prostitution's just not a big deal, or it's less severe. mr. bacon, this is the bottom line. you exploited and pimped a 17-year-old child, you have a significant criminal history and you committed this offense while on post-release supervision. this provides little legitimate options available to the court. due to the fact that this was a limited period of time in which you were found guilty, limited exposure rather than it being days, weeks and months, for that reason i will grant 14 months off the mitigated or 20 months off the standard sentence in this case and impose 100 months in prison. >> in addition to more than ei