came tifert to be a truck driver and then got the word that he should go to a school, seeder grove academy, and a local bible college. and begin the seeding of understanding that in the scriptures of much of what we who happen to be christian believe in but can be font found in so many faiths, from judaism to islam, to buddhism and to many other fakets, this whole charitable role that you must take, that it is better to give to others than it is to give to yourself. even though reverend fred shuttlesworth was a feisty man, he will tell it to you, don't get fooled by a wheelchair. he was a feisty man. didn't take much to being offended. and as john lewis has taught us over the years, as we've traveled back to commemorate bloody sunday, how entrenched the movement was of nonviolence. fred shuttlesworth was willing to in essence concede his feistyness to be part of the movement established first, the alabama christian movement for human rights, and of course then to overcome its declaring of being unconstitutional and moving on to other creative ways to create and continue the movement. what