what is remarkable to me and this is across the is seeingations, the problems and addressing them but too late. -- this started in november 2008 and put into action of may of 2009. that was the right policy, it took time. program reached enough people. it was not effective until h.a .r.p. 2. seeing the problem and diagnosing it and taking time to get a policy solution. is 2013, the economy has been growing for four years. forly 3 million out of work a year or more and still looking, not counting those who are not looking. we are far from potential. is there nothing we could have done in 2008 or 2000 night or since then that would have put us in a better place now? if we cut capital gains tax, we would be better? rex there were a lot of things we could have done. >> pick one. single most important thing we could do is reduce taxes on investment. not tax capital. this is not controversy over. this is standard, mainstream economics, the book finance economics. most people think we should not be taxing capital. huawei overtax it. we have distortions ealing with debt versus equity. with de