indicates you're seekingjamaharon. leeta: what'sjamaharon? i'll show you later. oh. look. they like each other. i think i'm going to be sick. all right.i'm going. me too. going? where? i'm going to change into something more comfortable. dressed like this, do you? that's a good idea. when in rome... oh! i can't believe we finally made it. well, enjoy your vacation. we will. time to test these babies out. ladies... all that is ours is yours. i'll take it. aren't you uncomfortable in that uniform? starfleet uniforms are designed for comfort even in the most extreme environments. well, you look out of place. i mean, look around you. isn't it beautiful? it is an artificially created paradise weather control system in the federation. in its natural state, risa is nothing more than a rain-soaked, geologically unstable jungle. maybe so but the only dark cloud i see around here isyou. i did not come here to admire the scenery. if you say so. i guess we should just go home. well, maybe... i would not be so hasty. a few months ago when i was commanding thedefiant on a scouting missi