reverend seiko, organizer and pastor who has come in as part of the organizing effort. what was your reaction when i told you about the rocks being chucked, the trash can that went through a window? >> these babies are in so much pain. they're living under occupation. there are tanks on both ends of the street. they have not gotten justice. many of them saw our dear brother and son, mike brown laying in the street for four hours. the average income of in ferguson is less than $20,000 a year. there are ongoing stories, we have heard about. people being attacked by the police and being harassed by the police. and so -- martin luther king reminded us eloquently, 50 years ago that riots and violence, sometimes it is the language of the unheard. >> yeah, i think the point about pane you made. is an important one for people to understand who are not here. which is the sense of rage, grief, anguish, and, and the, and pain, just sheer pain is just extremely palpable right now from people. >> yes, i mean that -- they are like rachel. they will not be consoled. in the sense that