how can we count the beds in a facility that is identified as seismicly defixant? the seraphs department moved out of that facility. there is no intent nor will we ever repopulate that jail. county jail 6 presentss more issues than the 2 jails in the hall of justice, so how can we count 426 beds on the 6th foor and 372 beds at county jail 6? to go to your question- >> if we take away county jail 3 and 4 and continue not to use county jail 6, what would be the total number of available beds? >> zero. we would be over crowded >> sorry the total number of beds period? >> the total number of beds is controller said 1238, so if we don't rebuild the hall of justice and do not do the significant capital work needed to make cj 6 usable then we are left with 1230 some odd beds which is 20 or 25 beds fewer than our total jail population today, july-whatever it is. 21, 2015 >> that is correct. >> now, if we do shut down 3 and 4 and don't rebuild and make the needed changes to cj 6, according to the controller that brings us to 1610 beds, is that consistent with your understan