we're also implementing the selectron which is the intervoice response system for scheduling so people can call in and schedule inspections by the phone. all of this should be live and implemented by the end of this year. vice president hechanova: thank you. >> any other commissioner questions or -- president murphy: public comments on this? seeing none. >> item number seven, public comment. the b.i.c. will take public comment on matters within the commission's jurisdiction that are not part of this agenda. >> good morning, commissioners. my name is jose morales and you have known me for a while and today is a very important day for me, being the last day of the year and still don't get my public hearing. today i'm going to be brief and to the point. i can prepare and i'm talking about the mutilation of our wonderful administrative bulletin serious 35 of 2002 of our 2007 building commission who has abuse of authority of the present d.b.i. executives vivian day which in addition has been incapable to solve an easy case of that illegal house number 574 san jose avenue which we must remem