selectron, our ivr, when you call into the scheduling, that will not come until july in terms of maintenance. >> yes. >> anything that we do will eventually make its way into the operating fund. >> does the city get a break on this training cost? >> as the training, we negotiated with them that every seventh person was free. you know, a lot of the organizations are also nonprofits, or they try to provide the training at the lowest cost possible. some of them, you just cannot negotiate. we do have a trainer. for instance, and plumbing, -- in plumbing, he's coming to our location and we got a set price. it's not dependent on the number of people. those sorts of things, we can save money rather than sending people out to various types of training across the state. in this case, plumbing -- i think they had to go out of state to get it. we are trying everything we can to save. >> the last one, do we get a break on the code books? >> yes, we negotiated a certain cost. the code books we had to go for bid, we ended up with the vendor who is across the bay. he was able to get some discounts and able