. >> we have seleta reynolds to present on the scope for budget and near end term capital projects. >> thank you commissioners. i'm going to run through this rather quickly. so at the last meeting commissioner mar questioned we bring back an idea of the actual schedules for all of the 40 projects that we have currently that we are aiming to implement by january of 2016. so this is maybe one of the most boring power points ever, but it does job at getting the information across. this is just to give you an initial glance at the projects and kind of where they are currently lining up in terms of when we would actually see them live on the streets. many of them are in their construction phases. some of them you can see are multi-faced projects, policies, the project from 11-4 and bring it closer in. similarly the portrero avenue street escapes will deliver most improvements and finish the job later on in 2016. i draw your attention to no. 9, the blvd speed reduction. that includes turning ton signal at sunset and boulevard and toning down the speed. one of my favorite sayings is that you