you seem to have so much fun playing selina meyer. >> well, i mean, why wouldn't i?. so it's -- she's very vain and seeking power and not feeling power. >> for all the wrong reasons. >> for all the wrong reasons although she thinks they're the right reasons and so, yeah, i love playing her. >> as i said she was veep but actually at the end of last season she became -- >> spoiler alert. >> last season. >> this past season, yeah. i know, just in case people haven't seen it. you know, hbo and all that stuff. >> becoming president meyer and running on her own. >> yes, exactly. well, she becomes president sort of by default in a strange way and while at the same time she comes in third in the new hampshire primary -- >> not so good. >> not so good. >> when she becomes president i think was my favorite scene all last season. because it looks like you were actually truly laughing through the entire -- >> oh, yeah, that scene with tony hill and the bathroom, yes, yes, well, she kind of loses it. she becomes hysterical. >> it's happened. >> yeah. >> in real life, every politi