professorjulie selwyn has written the definitive research into adoption disruption.ow long they've been exposed to adversity in their life. i suppose what they've learned is that adults aren't very caring, that adults can't meet their needs, and they find it's difficult to trust their new parents. liz, which isn't her real name, adopted two sisters. the eldest was nine and never really settled into a new family. the lashing out, the anger. the anger was just off the scale sometimes. it was physical, it became physical, initially it was verbal abuse. it was just a whole catalogue of notjust bad behaviour, and i appreciate what you have to try to do as an adoptive parent is try and sort of differentiate what is normal teenager behaviour and what is a result of where they've come from. it affects every aspect of your life, it's notjust within your little unit, it's beyond that. it can be work, the effects on your work. i lost my business, had to give up my business because the stress and the strain was just unreal. and, in a way, you sort of feel a bit of bitterness. no