and the title was semple says. one the things i remember reading about was semple says let's kill off of the white folks, expect eleanor roosevelt. >> do we have other questions or comments? >> yes? >> okay. question is she had five children, did she spend time with them? >> in common, when the children were little, she turned over a lot of their care to nurses and hired help. in the later years of her life, one the reasons that she traveled so much was to go around and see a lot of her children. they were scattered all over the country and always in some sort of trouble which made some sort of embarrassing headline in the newspaper. >> what exactly? >> well, elliot roosevelt never went to college. he was kind of a bad boy. but he could get very good jobs. and then the republicans would say, he's just trading on his father's name. he probably was. and some of the children would hired by political opponents of the roosevelts, sort of to embarrass the roosevelt. but also to get, i guess, kind of keep a foot in the wh