with her, like, like a housewife, you're a housewife, and what 's clean, dinner is always ready, semyon ilivich, we understand, it's hard for you, you hold on, write it down. oleg vladimirovich 571 91 63 us i'm already taking my portions, we'll be leaving soon, guys, the car will be here soon, we'll let you go, okay, tell me, and you haven't seen anyone since about one o'clock in the morning, comrade cleaning, but judge for yourself, who's out at that time, yeah, hello, yeah, hello, yeah, we're already having a shot with a cowboy at that time and... right, you're still thinking, but what's there to think about, think or don't think, 100 rubles isn't money, it's not money, if only they'd given us an extra pension, we were keeping a close eye on the yard back then, if they'd given us an extra pension, yeah, tell me, but maybe the girls, the guys, like you have here in the yard here, well, they hang out in the evenings, oh , so he needs it with the seventh apartment, pechonkin, pechonkin, pechonkin, semyon il'vich, someone could have wanted her dead, i don't know, at work... maybe ill-wishers, pro