corruption during procurement, director of nabo semyon krovonos. said that the anti-corruption bureau is studying the tenders of ohmadit and the national military memorial cemetery. in his opinion, in order to prevent similar situations, transparent procedures for the selection of performers, open budgets, clear criteria for the admission of participants, as well as public and journalistic control are needed. we are currently studying these two cases, conducting informational and analytical work on ahmedite, now in general. we are studying the involvement of those subjects who are the descendants of nabu, because there was the use of the funds of the fund, there are certain specifics, so to say that now we will register criminal proceedings based on this fact, well, it is premature, we are conducting the appropriate work , studying the involvement of the subjects who are the most likely to be involved in these possible actions. more than uah 3.5 billion to the budget of ukraine, managers have been acquired. during the joint briefing, the results of the work for the first time were sum