we senatery, democrats unveiled our trillion dollar infrastructure plan. we said it was one of the areas we can certainly work with the president what he called me a week after winning the election, that was the first thing we talked about. unfortunately, it took a year for the administration to unveil a plan. the plan they unveiled does not come close to doing what america needs. relies on $200 billion of largely financed by cutting existing andastructure programs asking the private sector to make up the bulk of the infrastructure building we so desperately need. robbing peter to pay paul a pittance will not do much. and as we found out, it would sport only 2% per $30 million of the 1.5 trillion we have invested. isn't that it's another poorly thought out plan from this administration. they don't seem to be able to get their act together and put together real policy. whatever it is. so, the $30 million that penn wharton found is a far cry from the $3 trillion that the american society of civil engineers says is needed to repair our nation's ailing and agi