i do not understate senatorbuono and i am running as hard as i can because i know she is a formidable component -- competitive. you not being a underestimate. >> we agree on something. >> will try to stop that as soon as possible. [laughter] >> governor, you campaigned and raise the money for the architects of the government shutdown and we talked about what that's all about. are you sorry that you did that, do you regret now that it is impeding the united states for meeting its obligations? we certainly have other obligations alike sending out social security checks that have not been sent out. >> no, i do not regret it. what i regret is what we see and has beenn, d.c. that typified by the partisanship by both sides. this is not the just the fault of one sect or group of people. as a leadership failure by everybody and washington, d.c. from the president to the speaker of the house to the majority leader of the senate. all of them have contributed to making the mess we see and washington, d.c. when you are the executive and the governor, you cannot brush of those things off. would yo