approved this three times, and all three times it has been vetoed by the governor commoso i know senatorn now is looking to bring these forward again a. -- senator leno is looking to bring these forward again. gothere would be a strong nexus for the use of the sea, but until the government signs it common it is not an option but is available to us, so we are looking at ways to continue to close the structural gap. i will spend a minute on the capital adjusbudget. the big picture from an unconstrained perspective is a $25 billion need over the next 20 years. a big part of that is repair, and there is also an expansion and other supporting projects. this relates back to those assets identified in the first slide. our funding sources are a mix of federal, state, local. the federal picture is very much in play as we speak. the current transportation bill expires this saturday. there is not a reauthorization or an extension. it may not come back until after the elections. goowe are more or less sure that our funds will continue. the things i will point out, you just saw the capital plan presen