host the global platform for disaster risk reduction, which will assess the first two years of the sendai framework and will set goals for reducing and mitigating risks to development. and third, mexico has reaffirmed its commitment to attaining sustainable peace in the world. the international community has confirmed that the stability of countries affected by armed conflicts depends not only on security conditions, but also on respect for human rights and the rule of law and on their ability to foster inclusive development. this cross-cutting vision fully coincides with the sustainable development goals. thus, the goals are essential to preventing and avoiding social and political crises, and they will also be essential in finding peaceful solutions to the armed conflicts being experienced in various nations. the most recent example of this is the peace agreement reached in colombia. mexico applauds its achievement and will in solidarity contribute to the attainment of its goals. similarly, and in pursuit of reduced tension and greater understanding in our region, mexico repeats its cal