>> i felt he was dead, ma'am. >> reporter: richard senneff says dr. murray tells him he's treating jackson for dehydration and exhaustion and nothing else. when asked about what drugs jackson might be taking, never mentions propofol, that killed him. >> he said no, he's not taking anything, and then he followed that up with, i just gave him a little bit of lorazepam to sleep. >> did dr. murray ever mention to you having administered propofol to michael jackson? >> no, he did not. >> reporter: the paramedics notice there's no medical equipment in the room, not only a $40 alarm that could have told dr. murray jackson stopped breathing. but they go to work, cpr, a bag to force air into jackson's lungs and drugs to restart the heart, but nothing. and there was more damaging testimony from the paramedics, who say that after dr. murray fought they had left, they saw him putting empty bottles of lied cane into his medical bag. that is a drug often administered with propofol. diane? >> watching the court today. thank you, jim avila. >>> and now we want to tel