the senor anderson was right. due to circumstances over which you no have control, you are going to have to listen to me sing. the troubadour with the voice of the frog. (fronk plays spanish guitar music) senor, you had better go sit down or you'll be in the act! now, i would like to introduce my fine, pretty, and talented family! vamanos, (speaks foreign language). - family, but i thought he said he didn't have one. (frank plays spanish guitar music) (bud beats on drum) this is pablo, my great-grandfather. listo? (fronk and bud play spanish dance music) (kathy plays maracas) - and this is little (speaks foreign language). (group applauds) (fronk, bud, kathy play spanish music) - okay, espanoles, just tell me this. whose big fat idea was this anyway? - oh, no me, senor! tortilla, tamale, maraca, toledo. la cucaracha! - no, it wasn't me. i don't know who thought it up, but fronk was the one who taught us what to do. - what can i say, fronk? you saved my neck. - do not say nothing, senor. just forgive me. and thank