e-branch tools include power to write the laws, the power of the purse, imeempment power and power to senture among other os. these tools empower congress to exert oversight over o executive and u judicial branches including rooting out corruption, fraud, and abuse by government officials and taking further disciplinary action on behalf of the american people when warranted. the duty that serve as a check on the other branches including against corruption and abuse is a solemn one and congress does not and will not take this responsibility lightly. that is why this committee has scheduled a hearing todays in 2013 american people first learned that their own government has been singling out conserveative growns for height ndz view by irs as they apply for irs exempt status this targeting scandal was nothing shofort shocking. it was a political plan to silence the voices of groups representing millions of americans. conservative groups across the nation were impacted by this targeting resulting in lengthy paperwork requirements overly burdensome information request and long unwarm thed delays i