again seo epstein officially a member of the cubs' organization and more coming up in a few taking this san diego g m with them or not? >> i am fairly certain that he is and i believe he is bringing two or three people along with them from boston. derrick rose spent some time and a loss angeles police station this morning not for anything he did. his team was arrested for drunk driving. he was charged with the dui, rose was not charged. rose's agent asked what he would let someone who was allegedly drunk driving around and he had no comment. >> the results of a new study coming up and a medical watch. cell phones to not cause cancer. cell phones do not cause cancer. scientists make the call that comes as great relief to cell phone users. the devices are safe and do not cause cancer. danish researchers said its 360,000 people for 17 years in one of the largest and longest examinations of cellphone safety they concluded people who regularly use cell phones are no more likely to get brain tumors than those who do not. prior studies showed an increase risk for cancer tumors fo