. -- seonded. [calling votes. commissioner chan: no. >> that motion passes. >> with reference to number two, which is failure to convert to your cpr training -- to follow cpr training. do i have a motion? >> second. [calling votes] commissioner chan: no -- excuse me, yes. >> that has passed unanimously. with reference to specifications #three. this involves the patrol officer not appearing to the interview of the police department and that he failed to show up for a scheduled interview on september 7, 2010. do i have a motion? >> yes. >> [calling votes] commissioner chan: no. >> the past, 4-1. now we are voting -- we passed a guilt verdict. now it is time to decide what the appropriate penalty would be. >> [inaudible] and >> are with second your request, an -- i would second your request, but i think the city attorney says we cannot. >> we have done it before. >> we have done deliberations. >> i thought there was a deliberative process. >> [unintelligible] we could do reparations also. >> the only exceptions i kno