liberty mutual insurance. and we go to the 101, up sepulveda boulevard. go north to u. s. highway 6, continue on to the junction of route 395. that will be just north of homestead. by the way, it's a beautiful spot. we ought to stop up there sometime. (coughing) keep on 395 to lone pine through bishop. and then, let's see, (coughing) what's the matter, honey? you feel all right? oh, i'm fine. just a little cough. (coughs) you coming down with a cold? oh, no, no, honey. (coughs) the doctor said it was just the air in town. oh, that's right. the air has been kind of pecu... doctor? when did you see a doctor? oh, now, wilbur, don't you worry about me. you go and have a good time. honey, i'd like to take you along with us, but you know how roger feels. and he's right. i mean, honey, i think you men should get off by yourselves every once in a while. (coughs) it isn't so bad. no, no, i'm not going to leave you here. i don't care how roger feels. you're coming along. i'm going to tell him right now. (coughs) (coughs) you're wasting your time, camille. i am not taking you alon