it says on the paper, it says it has to do with sequa. i don't know what that is. if that's the case, if it is for safety there are better ways to ensure safety at that intersection than with a stop sign. first, edinburgh is a 10-block street running north to south between beginning at silver and ending at geneva. cross traffic does not stop at the silver intersection. nor peru nor currently avalon nor naples nor brazil nor persia or russia or france. finally eight blocks away at italy there's a four-way stop. i've lived on naples going on 37 years and i learned quite early that if i want to go north south i don't go on edinburgh. that's why naples is a main artery. i would imagine the residents appreciate the relative quiet of their streets. you start putting stop signs at every corner, no cross traffic you will get that. by placing a four-way stop here, people unfamiliar with the neighborhood might assume the other stops on edinburgh are four way as well. there is an environmental issue as well. traffic stops increase gas mileage and pollution not to mention adde