you u want to keep these things serate. you nt to leave your ss with great impresession of who you are. most c companies do not combine them. this is not the time t to asfor a raise. you want to talk about how great you are, and let it marinate for a while. due to salarary negogotiations on - another time. >> you are a believer in using appropriate language. >> you do not want to be so formal sti, anrobotic. you do n not want to be so f flowery andd conversational it does t have biness terminology.y. it is likeke a rume. as you are writing it, think of strong action verbs. you dodo notant to overpower. be careful about your language. >> the p performanceevieis classilly the look bac shshldn't also be the look ahead?d? chris you also want to look at some o of your goals. these might some of whate call areas of opportunity things you may be lookining to improve. you may find doing your own review that you were not so great in some areas. tell your boss. >> you are a big believer in self criritique. >> you have to self critiqu