my name is serena calhoun. i'm going to speak to the items that are related to the project itself, and then let the property owner and manager speak to some of the complaints that are related to maintenance and rent-lease issues because they're kind of outside my purview. as it relates to the project, the issues raised by the tenants are related, the majority, to the trash area, and as referenced earlier, we did start out in looking at providing a trash room in the lobby. okay. so i'm just going to do a little preliminary plan on the left here, you can see the basement plan, and i've highlighted in red the two trash chutes. you enter at the grade level. the lobby is on the level, and the trash cans are in these two units. you can see that the site slopes really dramatically, so from the street where you enter, there's a full story down where the units are, and so these trash units come down in the basement, and here, you can see the trash chute, and this opening you see behind it is essentially the front door t