in developing this curriculum around these serenbe hambers, are they in any way -- were they formulated around specific statistics around -- do we have specific statistics around suicides, these various genres, ha louis nation -- hallucination behavior, trauma? >> one thing to be clear, they're not necessarily arrests, they're contacts. i need to make that clear. so basically they are encounters. quite frequently law enforcement is the first responder. sometimes it may be the person themselves contacting law enforcement. it might be somebody else being brought to their attention. the person standing screaming on host street, you're going to get four 911 calls. in terms of the statistics we will be addressing is we're trying to look at the behaviors or sort of incidents that require the most time and the most frequent calls from police. we do have -- we are able to get some information about that from both sfpd and i think from all of the mental health providers as well. >> oh, good. we have been able to track these categories and these categories with a -- were they chosen based on stat