article, serge coble less ski, who works for the "new york times," told the daily beast those claims were not true, saying we did a lot of shoe-leather reporter in and around jersey city and talked to residents and officials for the broader story but i do not recall anyone saying they were thousands or even hundreds of people celebrating." trump accused the reporter of backing down from the story. he appeared to mock kovalev ski, who suffers from a chronic condition affecting his joints that limits motion in his arms. >> oh, i don't know what i said, i don't remember! >> reporter: trump later done need he was mocking him. >> i would never mock a person that has difficulty. i would never do that. >> reporter: he posted this statement to twitter saying, i merely mimicked what i thought would be a flustered reporter trying to get out of a statement he made long ago. if mr. covekoefl less ski is hand capped i wouldn't know, i don't know what he looked like. a former colleague says trump >> i have zero question he knew serge by his first name and that he was mocking him on that stage. and