with us now, serge saxonov. this is not going to happen before the election, is it? as far as i can tell. emily: so when? what is your timeline? there the nice thing is are multiple efforts on the way and people are working as hard as they can to bring these vaccines to market and to scale them up in anticipation of the final approvals. i would hesitate to comment on precisely when these will emerge but given the number of efforts in given the early signs, i think there is reason to be optimistic that by early next year, you will start seeing distributions of at least one of them. emily: ok. that is more optimistic than some have seen. do you agree with the fda's measures? should they be more or less conservative? serge: the fda has to strike a balance. it is imperative to be cautious and make sure that safety is as much guaranteed as can be. at the same time, we are racing against the clock. the sooner we can get the vaccine delivered to the billions of people out there, the better. i think it has demonstrated a good amount of independence. they are striking the rig