and what sergei fedorov is saying today is look, it's also implicit in the agreement that kiev must firstl clear the independent square which is the focus of the revolution. it must get their supporters out of the illegally occupied buildings in kiev and they should disarm the right sector, that is the right wing radical group and he says if that happens then the leaders in the southeast of ukraine will follow suit, give up the buildings and surrender their weapons so you are getting one line there from sergei fedorov putting something out. meanwhile rather sort of almost h his -- hysterical interim president saying russia is preparing to start world war three so take your pick because it's coming together, it really is. >> the sanctions of yet more sanctions does loom heavily over moscow but is there very much concern about it? >> no, not really. it's not so much the sanctions which were individually targeted for people, it's the lack of confidence in russia. what you need, if you are investing money in a country, huge amounts of money is stability and security and russia doesn't take th