my counterpart from russia, sergei lavrof is either there or on his way there. you know, the russians have made it very clear that they expect the iranians to advance the discussion in moscow, not to just come, listen and leave. we'll know once it happens, but i think that the unity and the resolve that has been shown thus far is of real significance because clearly the threats that shimon outlined are very real. the continuing effort by the iranians to extend their influence and to use terror as a tool to do so, extends to our hemisphere and all the way to east asia. so the threat is real. we're dealing with a regime that has ambitions. those who live in the near neighborhood are well aware of that. trying to manage it and avoid the iranians' ability to score points and create more islands of influence is, you know, one of the great challenges that we are coping with. but i just want to end with a story that i brought back from georgia last week. i was in patumey, which my friend, george talbot, knows well, which is being turned into a mini las vegas on the bla