democracy and deficiencies perceived in russia in those areas and this is where the case of course sergei magninsky, the lawyer that died while being held in prison, and concerns about that. i won't go deeply into the case. there is a whole set of concerns there. the way the parliamentary elections have been held, the presidential elections, et cetera. that's one constituency. a second constituency would be those that are concerned that russia is pursuing certain foreign policies that are counter to u.s. interests, so the point to the disagreement about syria, there is no question that the syria issue is seriously poisoned russia's perception, reputation, on capitol hill right now because it is such a big issue in the headlines. our inability to come to an agreement about missile defense, aspects of russia's relationship with iran while in fact actually i think that our cooperation with the russians on iran has been quite extensive. there are a whole series of concerns that people will have there about aspects of russian, foreign and security policy. then i think more pertinent to susan and klaus'