perhaps the most famous businessman in dubai is sergei polonsky.e's on the run again, an eternal exile. it is from the water that you can see what new dubai is, look at this picture. this is the new new york. on a pleasure boat, he shows us the places where local skyscrapers plan to place their high-rise buildings. actually, polonsky’s yacht remained in cambodia under the arrest of local police. dubai is a leader in world architecture. i think, of course, if i hadn’t been slammed into the wall, well, let’s just say, i would have surprised the world and dubai as well. a you’ll be surprised, here he is, the real polonsky, whom we know, polonsky plans to surprise dubai with incredible bionic architecture, fountain houses, with streams of water flowing along the facades. it is in dubai that he, like a real composer , frozen in the glass and concrete of music, must write his main symphony, it will be from a whole series of skyscrapers in the shape of eggs, there were fauberge eggs, now polonsky eggs, well, i wouldn’t want to anyway, alexander, yes, as i